👇Say Goodbye to Fleas


Say Goodbye to Fleas, Ants, and Cockroaches for Good! 🏡✨

Welcome, fellow gardeners! Today, I’m excited to share a no-fail method to keep those uninvited guests—fleas, ants, and cockroaches—out of your home forever. This natural, homemade solution is not only effective but also safe for your family and pets. Let’s dive into the details and make our homes a sanctuary from these pesky insects.

Ingredients Overview

To create this powerful insect deterrent, you’ll need a few simple ingredients, each chosen for its effectiveness in repelling pests:

  1. Liquid Detergent (1 cup):
    • Dishwashing liquid works best. It helps break down the exoskeletons of insects, making them more susceptible to the other ingredients.
  2. Alcohol or Apple Cider Vinegar (2 cups):
    • Both options act as natural disinfectants and repellents. Alcohol evaporates quickly and helps the solution dry fast, while apple cider vinegar leaves a lingering scent that pests find unpleasant.
  3. Cloves (2 tablespoons):
    • Cloves are a natural insect repellent due to their strong scent and active ingredient, eugenol, which is effective against a wide range of insects.
  4. Water (1/4 cup):
    • Used to steep the cloves and extract their beneficial properties.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Follow these detailed steps to create your own insect-repellent spray:

  1. Boil the Water and Steep Cloves:
    • Bring 1/4 cup of water to a boil. Once boiling, add 2 tablespoons of cloves. Allow them to steep for about 10 minutes. This process extracts the eugenol from the cloves, creating a potent insect repellent.
  2. Prepare the Detergent Mix:
    • In a separate container, mix 1 cup of liquid detergent with 2 cups of alcohol or apple cider vinegar. Stir gently to combine. The detergent helps the mixture adhere to surfaces and insects, while the alcohol or vinegar adds disinfecting properties.
  3. Combine and Cool:
    • Once the clove water has cooled, strain out the cloves and add the infused water to your detergent and alcohol/vinegar mixture. Stir gently to ensure all ingredients are well combined.
  4. Transfer to Spray Bottle:
    • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. This makes it easy to apply to various surfaces around your home.


To use your homemade insect repellent:

  • Spray on Surfaces and Entry Points:
    • Focus on areas where you frequently see insects or suspect they might enter your home, such as doorways, windowsills, and baseboards.
  • Maintain Cleanliness:
    • Keep your home clean to prevent attracting insects. Regularly wipe down surfaces, sweep floors, and take out the trash to minimize food and water sources for pests.

Valuable Tips for a Seamless Gardening Experience

  • Regular Application:
    • For best results, apply the spray once a week or after cleaning. This ensures a consistent barrier against insects.
  • Test on Surfaces:
    • Before applying the solution to a large area, test it on a small, inconspicuous spot to ensure it doesn’t damage or discolor surfaces.
  • Combine with Other Natural Methods:
    • Enhance your pest control efforts by using other natural methods, such as diatomaceous earth around entry points or essential oil diffusers with peppermint or eucalyptus oil.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I use this spray outdoors as well?

  • A: Yes, this spray can be used outdoors. Apply it to patio furniture, around doors and windows, and on garden paths to deter insects from entering your home.

Q2: How often should I reapply the spray?

  • A: Reapply the spray once a week or after any thorough cleaning. This ensures that the repellent barrier remains effective.

Q3: Is this solution safe for pets and children?

  • A: While the ingredients are generally safe, it’s best to keep pets and children away from freshly sprayed areas until they are dry. Always store the spray out of reach of children.

Q4: Can I substitute the cloves with another spice?

  • A: Cloves are particularly effective due to their high eugenol content. However, you could experiment with cinnamon or bay leaves, although results may vary.

By following this guide, you can create a natural, effective barrier against fleas, ants, and cockroaches, ensuring a pest-free home. Embrace the calming essence of a pest-free environment and enjoy the peace that comes with it. Happy gardening and happy home keeping

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